CPE Candidate Handbook

National Dental Assisting Examining Board © 2001 – 2025 National Dental Assisting Examining Board 10 Q: Will I be permitted to ask questions during the orientation session? A: Yes. Questions regarding the clinic facility, the operation of equipment and general evaluation questions will be answered. Questions related directly to the performance of the skills being evaluated will not be discussed or answered. Q: Are visitors allowed? A: No. Visitors are not permitted under any circumstances. Childcare is not available and arrangements must be made by the candidate for childcare. Q: How long does the evaluation take? A: On average, candidates attending the full CPE (9 skills) should expect to be at the facility for approximately six (6) hours, including the one-hour orientation. A break will be provided. You are advised to bring a light snack, bottled water or other drinks. Water/drinks and food cannot be consumed in the clinic. CPE Administration CPE Evaluators Each candidate is assigned a primary Evaluator who will assess all skills for the candidate during the session. Evaluators have been educated to apply evaluation criteria in a standardized manner through a process known as “calibration”. In addition, a Session Facilitator will confirm all evaluation outcomes. This process ensures a standardized evaluation for all candidates. NDAEB Evaluators and Session Facilitators are highly trained. All CPE results are final. Interaction Between Candidates and Evaluators Evaluators will only permit the exchange of information directly related to the Clinical Practice Evaluation. All other communication between candidates and evaluators is prohibited. Candidates must refrain from discussions of a personal nature with Evaluators or others associated with the CPE. Information regarding their educational background, such as school of graduation, or other personal information should not be shared. Code of Conduct Candidates are expected to act professionally at all times. Outbursts, offensive language or threats of any kind will not be tolerated. Session Facilitators may dismiss candidates (i.e. terminate their CPE and ask for their departure from the building) for this type of behavior. Re-takes will not be granted, and future attempts to register for the CPE may be denied. Please see the Code of Conduct in the Appendices, for a comprehensive description of expected behaviour.