National Dental Assisting Examining Board © 2001 – 2025 National Dental Assisting Examining Board 12 criterion. In addition, because “Completely exposes bow and wings of clamp on 17” is a critical criterion, it will also result in failure of the “Applies and Removes Dental Dam” skill. • All skills allow for one re-attempt within the allotted time to correct errors that are not related to patient safety (i.e. all criteria under “Professional Practice” except “Time Management). • It is the candidate’s responsibility to advise their Evaluator when they are finished or if they would like to re-attempt the skill, provided re-attempts have not been exhausted and time is remaining. Candidates will NOT be told if they passed or failed a skill; they must reflect on their own performance and product, then self-assess. If the candidate chooses to re-attempt the skill, the candidate will be evaluated on their best process/product, considering Professional Practice criteria. For example: In the skill “Applies and Removes Dental Dam”; if the candidate is awarded a “U” grade for the critical criterion “Bow and wings are completely exposed on 17” during their first attempt, but on their second attempt the error is corrected and an “A” grade is awarded, the “A” grade will stand as this technical error is NOT related to patient safety. Critical errors awarded a “U” grade under “Professional Practice” (those which would harm the patient) at any time, on any attempt, will be awarded a “U” grade. This “U” grade will not be reversed from a “U” grade to an “A” grade even if the error is corrected on a re-attempt. For example: In the skill “Applies and Removes Dental Dam”; if the candidate is awarded a “U” grade for the critical criterion “Places clamp in the mouth with safety floss attached” on any attempt, the candidate will also be awarded a “U” grade for the critical criterion “Performs the skill safely and with care”. This technical and patient safety error cannot be corrected on a re-attempt of the skill. The “U” grade will stand even if the error is corrected. This will result in failure of the skill “Applies and Removes Dental Dam”. To review the complete evaluation forms for each skill, please see Appendix A of this handbook. Skill Evaluation Process This is a description of the start-to-end process for how skill evaluation will take place. A treatment prescription will be provided for each skill. A maximum of five (5) minutes will be permitted to read the prescription before beginning the procedure. Candidates will be able to refer to the treatment prescription at any time during the performance of the skill. Treatment prescriptions will include the time limit. Where skills include a placement and removal (such as “Applies and Removes Dental Dam”), both the successful placement and removal will be required during the stated time limit. Candidates must follow the treatment prescription exactly. The product directions for dental materials (if applicable) may also be reviewed within the five (5) minutes thatare permitted to read the prescription. Candidates will be able to refer to the product directions at any time during the performance of the skill. Candidates who are ready to proceed before the five minutes have expired, may advise their Evaluator they are ready to start.