CPE Candidate Handbook

National Dental Assisting Examining Board © 2001 – 2025 National Dental Assisting Examining Board 39 APPENDIX C: Dental Materials Provided Candidates must use the instruments, equipment and supplies provided at the site. Tray setup photos are available on the NDAEB website: www.ndaeb.ca. . Note: Photos of the instruments and supply tray setups are generic. Evaluation sites may not provide exact instrument and supply items as shown in the photos. Some items may be substituted for similar instruments or materials. Manufacturer’s instructions Product directions for dental materials will be provided. The following is a generic list of some of the materials that will be provided at each site: 1. Jeltrate impression material (fast-set) with product directions 2. Prophy paste (fine grit) 3. Light cured cavity liner, various brands with product directions 4. One-minute anti-cariogenic acidulated phosphate topical fluoride gel with product directions 5. Light cured pit and fissure sealant material with etchant, various brands, with product directions. 6. Pre-dispensed topical anesthetic gel with product directions. Dental dam punching templates will not be provided. Appendix D: NDAEB Code of Conduct The NDAEB has the responsibility for the administration of national examinations of dental assistants in Canada and the issuing of an NDAEB certificate. Mission The NDAEB's mission is to assure individuals have met the current national baseline standard in the knowledge and skills required by Canadian provincial or territorial regulatory authorities for recognition as an intra-oral dental assistant. Vision The NDAEB will strive for excellence in the provision of valid and reliable national dental assisting examinations. Values The NDAEB is committed to fairness, transparency and excellence in the services it provides to candidates, stakeholders and the public. 1. The purpose of the Code of Conduct (the Code) is to provide general statements of the principles of ethical conduct and the consequences of unethical behaviour in order that the NDAEB, regulators and dental assistants may fulfill their duty to the public and to the profession. 2. The integrity of the application process, the examination process and the possession of an NDAEB certificate must be respected and maintained at all times. 3. Breaches of the provisions in the Code may be cause for disciplinary review and appropriate action including but not limited to public disclosure.