National Dental Assisting Examining Board © 2001 – 2025 National Dental Assisting Examining Board 40 Application Process 4. Persons making an application must provide authentic and timely documentation responsive to NDAEB requirements. 5. Applications may be rejected if application documentation does not demonstrate the required qualifications, or if the integrity of the application process is compromised in any manner whatsoever. 6. A person whose application has been rejected because of compromising the application process may not submit a subsequent application without the consent and permission of the NDAEB. 7. Without restricting the generality of sections 3, 4 and 5 the integrity of the application process will have been compromised if a person does not disclose that their educational credentials for dental assisting or other qualifying dental professions, issued by any exam eligible educational program or other approved dental program licensing and/or regulatory authority, were; fictitious, incomplete, suspended or cancelled prior to participating in the NDAEB examination or at any time after the NDAEB has issued a NDAEB certificate. Examination Process 8. The NDAEB will be guided by fairness and openness in the design and administration of its examinations. 9. Candidates for an NDAEB examination must not compromise, in any manner whatsoever, the integrity of an examination by engaging in, or assisting another person to engage in dishonest or behavior inconsistent with that of a reasonable person. 10. If it has been determined that a candidate, prior to or during an examination, has compromised the integrity of an examination in any manner whatsoever, then the candidate may be dismissed from the examination. 11. If a candidate is found to have committed an examination misconduct during the taking of examination, then they may be dismissed from the examination and may not be eligible for a subsequent examination without the consent and permission of the NDAEB. 12. Without restricting the generality of sections 12 and 13, a candidate shall be deemed to have compromised the integrity of the Examination Process if, at any time, an attempt is made directly or indirectly to contact for any reason Board Members, Examiners, Invigilators or Evaluators outside of the confines of an Examination. Any communication by a candidate and the NDAEB, or a person on behalf of a candidate must be made to or directed to the Registrar or their designated staff member. 13. If a candidate is found to have committed an examination misconduct after the granting of a NDAEB certificate, then any such certificate may be revoked. NDAEB Certificate 14. Persons possessing an NDAEB certificate must, at all times, respect and maintain the integrity of the Certificate. 15. NDAEB certificates must never be presented to the public or members of the profession in a dishonest, fraudulent or deceitful manner. Any person found to have engaged in dishonest, fraudulent or deceitful behaviour or misrepresented their status as an NDAEB certificate holder, shall be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, a prohibition on applying to take the qualifying examination, alternatively revocation of a NDAEB certificate that has been issued.