CPE Candidate Handbook

National Dental Assisting Examining Board © 2001 – 2025 National Dental Assisting Examining Board 41 General 16. Persons who have made an application or to whom an NDAEB certificate has been issued shall respond promptly, truthfully and fully to any request for information by, and cooperate with, the NDAEB in connection with any matter involving an application, examination or certificate issued to that person or to another person. 17. In fulfilling its responsibilities to provide services to applicants, candidates, stakeholders and the public, the NDAEB may communicate with Canadian provincial or territorial dental assisting regulatory authorities, dental assisting education programs, the Canadian Dental Assistants Association, the Canadian Dental Association, the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada, provincial or territorial dental assisting associations, and the public. This communication may include private disclosure and notice of a specific matter including but not limited to disciplinary decisions or public disclosure and notice of a specific or general matter and any possible disciplinary action. APPENDIX E: References Subject matter for CPE Evaluation is based on the NDAEB Domain Description for Dental Assisting, included in this Candidate Handbook. All CPE contents are referenced to one of the publications listed below. The NDAEB does not require candidates to purchase any specific textbook for study purposes. Referenced in no particular order, are the materials used by the NDAEB to validate examination questions: 1. Modern Dental Assisting, 14th Edition, Bird and Robinson (2024), ISBN978-0-323-82440-8 2. Wilkins’ Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist 13th edition (Selection Chapters from Wilkins’ Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, 13th Edition), Customer Edition, Jones & Bartlett Learning (2020), ISBN: 978-1-284-01465-5 3. Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach, 6th Edition (2023), ISBN: 9780357709726 4. Canadian Dental Assistants Association (CDAA). (Retrieved 2023). Code of Ethics: https://www.cdaa.ca/da-promotion/code-of-ethics/?lang=en Supplementary Resources: 5. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). (Retrieved 2023). https://whmis.org 6. Health Canada. (Retrieved 2023). Radiation Protection in Dentistry – Recommendation Safety Procedures for the Use of Dental X-Ray Equipment – Safety Code 30 (2022): https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/environmental-workplace-health/reportspublications/radiation/radiation-protection-dentistry-recommended-safety-procedures-use-dentalequipment-safety-code-30.html 7. Dentsply Sirona. (Retrieved 2023). https://www.dentsplysirona.com/content/dam/dentsply/pim/ manufacturer/Preventive/X_ray/Sensor_Holders/Autoclavable/ComfortWand_Universal_Sensor_Ho lder/XCP-Intraoral-Radiography-Education-Manual.pdf