National Dental Assisting Examining Board © 2001 – 2025 National Dental Assisting Examining Board 7 fees. All costs associated with travel, accommodations, etc. to attend CPE session are the responsibility of each candidate. CPE Withdrawal Process Withdrawal Requests are no longer accepted by mail Candidates may withdraw their CPE application at any time by completing the electronic Withdraw Request Form (available on the NDAEB website: All CPE application withdrawals are subject to a withdrawal fee Prior to the CPE In the event a candidate is unable to attend the CPE for medical or serious personal reasons, their fees may be reimbursed, or the candidate may be registered for the next session without additional charge, provided the candidate: Notifies the NDAEB in writing, within 24 hours (exceptions to this may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis); AND, Submits a letter from a physician or other professional, confirming the reason for failing to attend the CPE no later than 30 days following the CPE date. Withdrawals for medical reasons or serious personal circumstances will not be assessed a withdrawal fee, except for the non-refundable application and credit processing fee. The NDAEB reserves the right to determine what constitutes serious medical or personal circumstances prior to reimbursing fees. Candidates registered for the CPE who simply fail to present without providing twenty-four (24) hour’s written notice to the NDAEB, will be assessed the full fees for evaluation. During the CPE Candidates experiencing a severe personal circumstance beyond their control that severely disadvantages them immediately before or during the CPE, must do the following: If the event occurs at the CPE site and/or during the evaluation: Candidates must immediately notify their Session Facilitator or Evaluator, Candidates must submit a written signed letter to the NDAEB, documenting the event, within one (1) week of this personal circumstance occurring. NDAEB may require further documentation to support the candidate’s letter; this will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Candidates who do not follow the above procedures may not be eligible for a refund. Withdrawal Fees The application fee of $100.00 (CAD) (for full or partial/retake CPE) is non-refundable and applies to all withdrawals – including applications withdrawn for medical reasons or serious personal circumstances. The CPE fees for withdrawal are described below.