Domain Description

N a t i o n a l D e n t a l A s s i s t i n g E x a m i n i n g B o a r d © National Dental Assisting Examining Board 12 Terminology Used in the Domain Description The following terms are used in the Domain Description: 1. Patient (s) – refers to: individuals, groups or community 2. Special Needs – refers to patients who require modifications in the approach to dental care including: children, geriatric patients, pregnant women and patients who are medically, mentally or physically compromised 3. Dental Material/Biomaterials – are addressed as they pertain to specific procedures Notes: 1. Digital Radiography – The NDAEB recognizes that not all educational institutions have digital radiography facilities and therefore does not expect candidates to have clinical experience with digital equipment. Items (questions) appearing on the NDAEB exam pertaining to digital radiography will be based on entry level theoretical knowledge of process and equipment, referenced to the textbooks listed in the candidate handbook. 2. Practice Management Procedures – The NDAEB recognizes that not all educational institutions provide students with access to computerized dental office management systems/software. As a result, items (questions) appearing on the NDAEB exam related to dental practice management procedures will be based on entry level knowledge, referenced to the textbooks listed in the candidate handbook.