Domain Description

DENTAL ASSI STING DOMAIN DESCR I PTION • Effec ti ve J anua ry 2017 © National Dental Assisting Examining Board 1 Domain Description for Dental Assisting The Domain Description for Dental Assisting represents the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours the dental assistant should possess upon entry/re-entry into practice and is utilized for: • Preparing candidates for the exam; • Dental assisting education (curriculum development); • Examination development and review. The Domain Description reflects the national entry level standard established for dental assisting in Canada as agreed upon by stakeholders of the profession. 1. CONDUCT APPROPRIATE TO A PROFESSIONAL SETTING (5-10% of 200 item exam) 1.1 Apply the principles of the Provincial/National Code of Ethics including self-reflection as to personal competence to perform assigned, legal duties 1.2 Practice according to the principles of dental jurisprudence and Provincial regulatory legislation regarding legal scope of practice 1.3 Apply time management, problem solving and critical thinking techniques 1.4 Apply effective communication techniques with patients, care givers, service providers and dental health team members including written and electronic formats 1.5 Use professionally acceptable medical and dental terminology and abbreviations 1.6 Recognize signs of suspected physical, sexual and emotional abuse or neglect and report suspected cases to the appropriate authority 1.7 Explain treatment to patients and/or caregivers and respond to questions to help resolve concerns in accordance with the principles of obtaining informed consent 1.8 Apply privacy policies according to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and provincial privacy laws to all communications 2. DENTAL SCIENCES (7-12% of 200 item exam) 2.1 ORAL ANATOMY 2.1.1 Describe, locate and identify structures of the oral cavity 2.1.2 Describe, locate and identify soft tissue landmarks of the oral cavity 2.1.3 Describe, locate and identify tooth anatomical landmarks 2.1.4 Describe, locate and identify the tissues and supporting structures of the teeth 2.1.5 State the functions of teeth and their supporting structures 2.2 ANATOMY OF THE HEAD AND NECK 2.2.1 Identify and locate the bones of the head and describe their structure and function 2.2.2 Identify anatomical landmarks of the head 2.2.3 Identify and describe the parts of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), its movements and disorders 2.2.4 Identify the muscles of the face and oral cavity and describe their function 2.2.5 Identify and locate the salivary glands and ducts and describe their function 2.2.6 Identify and locate the sinuses