Domain Description

N a t i o n a l D e n t a l A s s i s t i n g E x a m i n i n g B o a r d © National Dental Assisting Examining Board 8 Prepare equipment and supplies and assist with tooth whitening Provide verbal/written, pre-operative, operative, post-operative and home care information/instructions 5.7.10 Assist with placement of dental implants State indications and contra-indications for the placement of the various types of dental implants Describe the diagnostic tests and information necessary to prepare for dental implant placement Prepare equipment and supplies and assist with the placement of dental implants Describe complications that may arise from the placement of dental implants Provide verbal/written, pre-operative, operative, post- operative and home care instructions 5.8 ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGICAL PROCEDURES 5.8.1 State indications and contra-indications for surgical procedures 5.8.2 Prepare equipment and supplies and assist with surgical procedure 5.8.3 Monitor patient’s condition prior to, during and after surgical procedures 5.8.4 Describe complications which may arise from surgical procedures and their treatment 5.8.5 Provide verbal/written, pre-operative, operative, post-operative and home care information/instruction 5.8.6 Perform suture removal Identify various suture materials and techniques Assess soft tissue for signs of healing, infection or post-operative complications and record/report to dentist Evaluate site to determine where to cut suture Cut and remove suture Provide patient with post-operative care instructions following suture r emoval Provide verbal/written, pre-operative, operative, post-operative and home care information/instructions 5.9 ENDODONTIC PROCEDURES 5.9.1 State indications and contra-indications for endodontic procedures 5.9.2 Describe diagnostic tests to determine tooth vitality 5.9.3 Prepare equipment and supplies and assist with endodontic procedures in both primary and permanent dentitions 5.9.4 Describe complications which may arise from endodontic procedures and their treatment 5.9.5 Provide verbal/written, pre-operative, operative, post-operative and home care information/instructions