Candidate Handbook

© 1998 – 2025 National Dental Assisting Examining Board 11 must contact the NDAEB office as soon as possible before the day of your exam. Digital copies of the IDs or expired IDs will not be accepted. If candidate fail to present valid (NOT expired) photo identification at the testing center, their exam will be cancelled, and all fees will be forfeited. Candidates are not permitted to bring anything into the testing room and must follow the Rules of Conduct set out by the NDAEB and the testing provider. Computers will be provided for candidates taking the exam at testing centres. Candidates will be provided a feature on the exam to use an online notepad function. Paper and pen/pencils are NOT permitted during the examination. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure they fully read the Rules of Conduct (please refer to the section Rules of Conduct During the Exam in this handbook, also will be attached with the Admission Letter). Exam Duration Candidates will be allowed a maximum of four (4) hours to complete the examination (unless extra time is granted by the NDAEB to a candidate who has submitted a request for special testing accommodations requiring extra time). There are no scheduled breaks during the exam sitting. Extra time will not be allotted should candidates require the use of the bathroom. Examination Format and Test Blueprint The examination is computer-based and composed of 200 multiple choice items (available in French or English). Many of the items found on the examination are case based (see vignette example later in this handbook). All test items come from the NDAEB test item library. The percentage of items from each of the Domain Description sections that constitutes the test blueprint is noted below. The variation of items encountered on each form of the examination will match the distribution of items as identified in the test blueprint. Test Blueprint Section 1 Ethical and Legal Practice as a Dental Assistant • 5% (approximately)