Domain Description

DENTAL ASSI STING DOMAIN DESCR I PTION • Effec ti ve J anua ry 2017 © National Dental Assisting Examining Board 3 3.1.5 Employ ethical protocols for injury prevention, exposure control, post- exposure first-aid and maintenance of employee health records 3.1.6 Explain protocols used to reduce biofilm within dental unit waterlines and evacuation systems 3.2 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 3.2.1 Identify, operate, and maintain dental instruments and equipment 3.2.2 Select and prepare supplies 3.3 TEAM ERGONOMICS 3.3.1 Apply principles of ergonomics in positioning the patient/operator/ dental assistant throughout all procedures 3.3.2 Apply the principles of instrument and material transfer to support procedural efficiency and patient safety 3.3.3 Use appropriate instrumentation techniques to ensure procedural efficiency and patient safety 4. PATIENT RECORDS (5-10% of 200 item exam) 4.1 Apply protocols to comply with legal requirements for maintaining and transferring patient records/documents in both paper-based and electronic systems 4.2 Complete and update patient records/documents using paper- based and electronic systems to include: 4.2.1 personal history 4.2.2 health history 4.2.3 intra-oral/extra-oral examination 4.2.4 oral hygiene indices 4.2.5 diagnostic study models and bite registration 4.2.6 radiographs 4.2.7 photographs 4.2.8 vital signs 4.2.9 consent forms 4.2.10 care /treatment plan and progress notes/treatment records/medications administered 4.3 Relate patient health history information to treatment 4.4 Use professionally acceptable terminology, charting symbols, abbreviations and tooth numbering systems 5. PATIENT CARE PROCEDURES (40-50% of 200 item exam) 5.1. OBTAIN VITAL SIGNS 5.1.1 Explain the rationale for obtaining vital signs 5.1.2 Describe procedures for measuring pulse, temperature, blood pressure, and respiration with reference to “normal” ranges 5.1.3 Describe factors that affect vital signs 5.1.4 Obtain vital signs including blood pressure, pulse, respirations and temperature